Release Calendar
Click on calendar events for details about a new update, release, or training resource, and learn more on the G Suite Updates blog. Exactly when features become available to your users depends on your release track. For a full list of past launches, including those not announced on the blog, check out the “What’s new in G Suite?” Help Center article.
What the colors mean
When Google releases a new G Suite feature, update, or training resource, they announce it on their G Suite release calendar. Each event's color identifies the type of release, as follows:
Rapid Release feature launch
Products and features launching to G Suite domains on the Rapid Release track.
Scheduled Release feature launch
Products and features launching to G Suite domains on the Scheduled Release track.
Training or resource launch
New documentation and training resources now available to users or G Suite admins. These include training videos, deployment guides, change management resources, and more.
Other launch
Deprecation notifications, pre-announcements, newly available newsletters, and other launches outside of the categories described above.
Note: To help G Suite admins with testing and change management for new features, web launches to the Scheduled release track for Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive (including Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides), Google Groups, and Google Sites are delayed for at least one week following the launch to the Rapid release track. No mobile launches or launches for other services or labs are included in this process. Google makes every effort to follow this process, but can't guarantee it will at all times.